Our Origins

Esdiac, is home to Africans on the continent as well as those who have migrated to other continents.

Today, over 40,000 customers pay to use the platform to communicate with family and friends, regardless of location.

user picture making calls

Through its robust communications system, Esdiac hopes to improve connections on the continent, which have been hampered by a lack of investment in digital infrastructure.

Trans-continental calls to friends and family can be expensive, and Esdiac’s multi-pronged approach addresses this issue in several ways.

user picture making calls

Top Reasons To Use Our Product

Reason #1

Esdiac makes an impact by helping middle and lower-class citizens make affordable calls internationally to friends and family in the diaspora. Users are able to make calls and share their balance with e-credits (Esdiac Credits), purchased securely online, via the application, or from a reseller.

Reason #2

We are licensed and have offices in Nigeria that support 20 full time sales and marketing staff members, and 50 agents that are training to become resellers of our product. Our goal is to Expand our retail stores partners and increase the number of resellers to 100,000 agents.

Reason #3

Esdiac is well-positioned to offer its growing network additional solutions, such as e-credits, which can be purchased on the platform and stored in an e-wallet, and then transferred within the network to pay vendors for goods and services.